My username is baglady69 resident but I go by DJ Baggie. I have been in sl 9 years now & I became a dj 8 years ago this month. I have explored many different parts of sl and love living the dream! I used to ride a Harley Davidson and lived the biker way of life for many years, but now I’m disable. I was forced to retire from everything but thankfully found SecondLife. SL keeps my life alive and going for me. Riding the tracks and being in a MC of sl keeps me looking forward to life when I wake up…SL helped me discover my natural talent for DJing because besides bikes I absolutely love music and all its many genres and sharing it with other music lovers!


APRIL 23 7PM SLT – Join DJ Baggie as she competes in the CRFB Top DJ Competition.

Vote by donation to the kiosk at the event!

Only 4 DJ’s move on to the Semi-Final.

Supporting the American Cancer Society.

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